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Sunday, 29 March 2009
Something different

At the invitation of an editor and chief of mine, I entered a fun, fictional writing contest. The theme is ‘conflict’ and the task was to write a 750- word essay. Of course I went with the Civil War as my backdrop. You can read my story (and vote on it if you wish) over at The Novelette. You can also enter yourself if you like. Here’s a taste of my entry:

It was early on Sunday, in the spring of 1864, and all around were signs of God’s glorious creation. Daybreak had just begun, and the sun was slowly peeking over the horizon. As it ascended, the vast landscape of sleeping clouds appeared to catch fire and the midnight blue evening was painted over by a brilliant orange glow. A gentle breeze stirred the miles of tall grass covering the fields beneath and the sweet song of birds softly echoed through the trees.

Below in the valley, the scene was very different. Hidden amidst a thick hanging fog, two armies were just beginning to stir. Many soldiers did not share nature’s sentiments in welcoming back another sunrise. Exhausted, homesick and terribly traumatized by the horrors they had witnessed on the battlefield, the promise of another day brought nothing more than prolonged suffering. READ ON

Posted by ny5/pinstripepress at 11:31 PM EDT
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